About Me

Hello there! I'm Jennifer, licensed Esthetician and founder of Roselux Spa. My journey into the world of esthetics began back in the unforgettable covid days of 2021. Like many, I found myself at a crossroad, searching for something that sparked excitement and passion within me. That's when the colorful and creative world of soap making caught my eye, and before I knew it, I was hooked.

Crafting handmade beauty products wasn't just a pastime; it became a window into an ever-evolving curiosity about the ingredients that nourish and rejuvenate the skin. This curiosity became the stepping stone to my pursuit of a professional career in esthetics. Immersing myself in the field, I embraced every opportunity to learn and grow—taking on clients, diving into certification courses, and gaining invaluable experience at a medical spa. That initial spark of interest ignited a fire within me, and I knew I had to blend my newfound expertise in facial services with my love for artisanal beauty creations.

Now, I have the pleasure of offering the best of both worlds: professional esthetic services tailored to my clients' needs and handcrafted products that add a touch of personal indulgence to their daily routines. In this journey of constant learning, my "free time" is anything but idle. It's filled with the latest articles on soap making, tutorials from the ever-resourceful Youtube "university", and countless soap crafting books that I dissect with enthusiasm. Running a business has its share of hurdles, but it reaffirms the old saying—when you do what you're passionate about, it hardly feels like work.

This entrepreneurial path has not only allowed me to immerse myself fully in my craft but also to cherish more moments with the ones I love. What brings me the greatest joy is making a tangible difference in someone's life, giving them the confidence they seek through healthier, radiant skin. I'm deeply thankful for the unwavering support of family, friends, and loyal clients who have been part of this beautiful journey.

Thank you for visiting, and I hope to share my passion and creations with you! 🌹

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